Deck Planning Checklist

Deck planning list

It’s never too early to begin planning for summer entertaining and fun. If adding a deck is on your list of things to do, Parr Lumber has the supplies you need.  Here’s a planning list to help you get started.

Choose a size

A quick rule of thumb for deck sizing is to allow five square feet for each person who will be on the deck. So, if you have a family of five, you should allow at least 25 square feet for your deck. You’ll want to add additional room for parties and cooking space. The size of your house and yard will also help determine the size of deck you can have. Make sure you leave enough open space in your yard for other outdoor activities. Also, consider if you want the deck elevated or at ground level.

Choose a style

There are a wide variety of options for the height of your deck. Your deck design should be customized to meet the specific needs of your home and your family.

1. Ground level

This is a good option for families with young children or single-level homes.

2. Elevated

This option works for multilevel homes where access to the deck will be upstairs. It requires proper safety planning and handrails.

3. Tiered

Use multiple levels of the deck to create separate areas for each activity.

There are many features that can be built into your deck design, including built-in seating, planters, outdoor kitchen appliances, and decking patterns.

Make a plan

After you have decided the size of your deck, the style, and the features you want, it’s time to make a plan. Decide where you want to access the deck from your home if there will be stairs and where you need utility hookups, and what your budget is for the project. Now you’re ready to create a rough drawing on graph paper or you can go to to start building your deck with their deck planning software.

Construction considerations

Before you begin construction, here are some considerations:

1. Check your property lines to ensure you aren’t crossing any with your proposed deck.

2. Diagnose any drainage or grading problems that need to be corrected before you begin the project.

3. Decide what type of foundation you’ll use. Things to consider:

  • Type of soil
  • Will the deck be anchored to the home or freestanding?
  • Do you need to do major excavation work?

Foundation types include concrete piers with or without sills, prefabricated deck blocks, or foundation piles or screws.

4. Decide what type of decking materials you’ll use.

Now that you have completed your deck plan, it’s time to choose and order your building materials. The professionals at Parr Lumber can help you select just the right amount of materials you need to complete your project. And if you aren’t sure what material is best, they can help with that too.

Good luck building your new deck. You’ll be happy you did when summer comes around — this year and for years to come.

Author: Dawn Killough – Inventory Specialist at Parr Lumber

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